Enrichment Workshop
$10 per session. Enrichment Workshops are supported by your sponsoring agency if you are a volunteer instructor; otherwise, you need to pay Tai Chi Vermont when you enroll for a workshop or series ($10 per hourlong session).
If paying yourself you can send a check to our Treasurer (mailing address at bottom of page) or pay by paypal (donate button). If you use paypal, please send an email to the Treasurer letting her know what the payment is for.
DATE & TIME: Thursday, March 23, 2023, 5-6 PM
LOCATION: A ZOOM link will be sent out to registrants in advance.
LEADERS: Anne Bower, TTo register contact anniebower71@gmail.com
$10 per session. Enrichment Workshops are supported by your sponsoring agency if you are a volunteer instructor; otherwise, you need to pay Tai Chi Vermont when you enroll for a workshop or series ($10 per hourlong session).
If paying yourself you can send a check to our Treasurer (mailing address at bottom of page) or pay by paypal (donate button). If you use paypal, please send an email to the Treasurer letting her know what the payment is for.
DATE & TIME: Thursday, March 23, 2023, 5-6 PM
LOCATION: A ZOOM link will be sent out to registrants in advance.
LEADERS: Anne Bower, TTo register contact anniebower71@gmail.com
$10 per session. Enrichment Workshops are supported by your sponsoring agency if you are a volunteer instructor; otherwise, you need to pay Tai Chi Vermont when you enroll for a workshop or series ($10 per hourlong session).
If paying yourself you can send a check to our Treasurer (mailing address at bottom of page) or pay by paypal (donate button). If you use paypal, please send an email to the Treasurer letting her know what the payment is for.
DATE & TIME: Thursday, March 23, 2023, 5-6 PM
LOCATION: A ZOOM link will be sent out to registrants in advance.
LEADERS: Anne Bower, TTo register contact anniebower71@gmail.com