World Tai Chi & Qigong day

This year we celebrate all things Tai Chi & Qigong on Saturday, April 26. Typically the actual practices take place between 10 and 11 a.m., though your group may want to linger and socialize afterward. The motto for this event is “One World, One Breath.” If possible, it’s great to have festivities outdoors. Learn more here.

White River Junction: Lyman Park Bandstand, behind the Hartford Municipal Building. Various forms of tai chi, Five Animal Frolics Qigong, and more. Snacks too. Hosts: Anne Bower, Kathy Tracy.

If you are planning an event for this date and would like it posted here, please send details to Anne.

Special Practice Opportunities

Second Saturdays, 10-12, we’ll gather at the Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 58 Barre St., 2nd floor to enjoy shared tai chi forms—Fall Prevention Tai Chi (Sun Style short form), Sun 73 forms (Sun long style), Yang 24 forms, and other forms you want to share. Open to both Instructors and experienced students. Let’s enjoy the synergy of tai chi together. No need to register. But for more info email Ellie Hayes. Next gathering is Feb. 8 when Lunar New Year will also be celebrated!!

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Beverly Blakeney continues to lead Nam Hoa Internal Arts practice again this year in Vergennes. Learn and practice the Longevity Tree, Tiger, Dragon and Yang Application forms. Bixby Hall (upstairs), Bixby Memorial Library, 258 Main Street, Vergennes. Saturdays 10:00-12:00. Next gathering is Feb. 15. For more info email Beverly Blakeney.