Upcoming Enrichment Workshops

Please register as soon as possible so we can plan these workshops well. You can register by contacting the leader, as indicated for each workshop or by going to the registration page and using the online form. Thanks so much!!

Courses offered by Marty Kidder

Mart'y’s online classes are separate from Tai Chi Vermont but we highly recommend them. Payment is made directly to Marty by each individual. 

To learn what Marty is offering, the best thing is to email him directly: marty@oaktreetaichi.com

Yang 24 Forms—A Review & Introduction

Leader: Anne Bower

A ZOOM link will be sent out to registrants in advance.

To register contact Anne Bower at anniebower71@gmail.com

Enrichment Workshop fees are supported by Agencies on Aging for any Tai Chi Vermont certified volunteer instructor. They are also open to independent certified instructors and to any interested student of Tai Chi @ $10 per hour. The sessions below will be one and ½ hours long and the charge will be $15.

Dates: Wednesdays, June 25, July 9 & 23, Aug. 6

Time: 3-4:30

Practice: Each session will cover 5-6 moves. A detailed schedule for each session will be sent out when you register. You will be sent a recording of the session afterwards with which to practice. This Enrichment series can be used as a review for those already certified to teach Yang 24 Forms, in which case you may want to select certain sessions to attend. For those hoping to certify in September 2025, all four sessions will be helpful.

Five Element Qigong

– Exploring Life Energy Through the Seasons

Offered By - Zhen Wolffe, Jo Bregnard, Lisa Tedeschi

This is a yearlong offering of five 90-minute sessions with a nice long break for summer relaxing. Come to one, some or all Friday sessions:

● May 2, 2025 (Wood)

● June 27, 2025 (Fire)

● October 3, 2025 (Earth)

● November 7, 2025 (Metal)

● January 16, 2026 (Water)

Time: 1:30-3 p.m.


If you're a Tai Chi Vermont trainer or agency-sponsored teacher, email Jo Bregnard at jo@jobregnard.com with your details for the coupon code to enter when you check out so you can register at no charge.


Five Element Qigong is rooted in centuries-old Chinese medicine practices focused on exploring and cultivating life energy in ways that connect us with the seasons and their corresponding elements – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Through these elemental practices we can create balance, harmony and wellness in mind, body, spirit and relationships with others and the natural world we are part of. If you have been curious about qigong, Five Element movement practices are a great way to start playing. Sessions will include information, movement practices, and time for questions and discussion. Registrants will have access to session videos along with informational handouts to continue your exploration and practice at home. Zhen, Jo and Lisa would love to share space with you in this journey of continuous learning. Instructors, please invite folks in your classes to join these offerings.

There are three options for joining this practice:

● Live In-person at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 21 Fairground Rd, Springfield VT on session dates

● Live remote practice from home via ZOOM link (will be sent out to registrants in advance) on session dates

● Recorded session practice on your own. All registrants will have access to the session recordings.

Forms + Handouts


All Workshops are Two-Day s

Fall Prevention Tai Chi Level 1   - $350

Fall Prevention Tai Chi Level 2 - $300

Fall Prevention Tai Chi Level 3 - $300

Sun 73 - $300

Yang 24 - $300

** RE-CERTIFICATION is 1/2 certification cost

Skillbuilders - Free for certified instructors - $50 for students


Don’t see the workshop you need ?

Attention All Instructors: If there's a workshop you need and don't see below, please email Anne and let her know. Anne will collect all responses and report them to the group of Authorized Trainers so that we can better arrange workshops to meet your needs.


Need Financial Assistance ?

Tai Chi Vermont maintains a small scholarship fund just for this purpose. Depending on demand and the amount of the fund, we can support up to 50% of a workshop's cost. For information please contact Chris Curtis, curwit@gmail.com.

And of course, if you'd like to contribute to this fund, Chris will be happy to tell you how to do that too!